DATE: 21 – 24. 11. 2019.
Duties: complete construction
The world's best aesthetic and gymnastics athletes gathered here to compete in the most prestigious competition of the year, the XIX IFAGG World Championships.
Visitors can watch the impressive choreography of the participating professional teams.
The International Federation of Aesthetic Team Gymnastics is celebrating its 15th anniversary in Budapest. In addition to the Hungarian delegation, many nations are represented.
Visitors of the championships can enjoy the beauty of artistic gymnastics and get a taste of rhythmic gymnastics.
There is also the trampoline tumbling (sometimes called effort gymnastics, from the English word "to tumble"). The acrobatic gymnastics, which works all the muscles and develops dexterity, balance, and coordination, is also a world championship event. Szintén méltán tartozik a világbajnoksághoz az akrobatikus torna, mely minden izmot megmozgat, fejleszti az ügyességet és egyensúlyérzéket, valamint a koordinációs készéget.
And of course, it's extremely spectacular.
The aerobic gymnastics can also be seen, where the human body uses oxygen to meet its energy needs. Examples include running, jogging, walking, etc., where energy is produced by the breakdown of glucose (which requires oxygen).
At the championships, the visitor is able to watch parkour, an extreme sport in which you get from one place to another as efficiently as possible (using little energy) by passing obstacles.